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Individual Therapy

Mood Disorders.

Anxiety and depression are often manifested initially as physical ailments rather than the classic symptom of altered mood. Accurate diagnosis coupled with evidence-based treatment have been shown to support recovery.

Our goal is to equip our clients with practical skills and strategies to manage their difficulties. An average course of treatment ranges from between 4-16 consultations scheduled weekly or fortnightly.

Adjustment to major life change.

Change is one thing we all have to deal with. Sometimes we know a change will occur, while other times it comes suddenly and unexpectedly.

If you can learn to cope with change, you lower your risk for anxiety and depression, and improve your health.

Being able to cope with change is sometimes called resilience. Our psychologists can help you to become more resilient.

Body Dissatisfaction & Eating Disorders.

Living a value-driven life that balances our relationships, career, leisure and health would be the objective of most people. Our identity and self-worth have a big impact on our ability to function positively within these key areas. How we perceive our appearance can be a significant component of low self-esteem, and dissatisfaction with our appearance can drive a number of problematic behaviours.

At our clinic, we work with individuals who want to improve their relationship with their body, overcome disordered eating, and redefine health beyond just physicality.

Child & Family.

As a parent there is nothing more important than supporting the physical and emotional development of our children. However, in an ever changing world, greater demands on our time and managing an increasingly complex and ever changing world, parenting is becoming more challenging than ever.

Our highly qualified and experienced staff at our clinic in Brisbane City, can help children, parents/carers and teachers identify stress, develop coping strategies and build resilience.

Our goal is to help you identify and work toward the changes you desire in your life and relationships while providing you with the skills and tools to become more mindful, resilient, and compassionate toward yourself and the others in your life.

How we work with you.

All of the treatment approaches used by our clinical team are evidence-based. The treatment plans that are tailored for each client may incorporate strategies from more than one approach depending on the nature the client’s concerns and goals. Regardless of the approach adopted we are always empathic, results focussed, evidence-based, and practical.


Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) can be effectively used as a short-term treatment to help with a range of very specific problems.

Clients are assisted to develop coping skills, to support positive change in thinking, problematic emotions and behavior.

CBT emphasises what is going on in the client’s current life, the focus is primarily on moving forward in time to develop more effective ways of coping with life.


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) focusses on increasing ‘psychological flexibility’ through mindfulness and acceptance skills. A primary focus of ACT is to support the client in accepting what is out of their personal control, and committing to action that increases wellbeing

ACT takes the view that most psychological suffering is caused by ‘experiential avoidance’, i.e. by attempting to avoid or get rid of unwanted private experiences (such as unpleasant thoughts, feelings, sensations, urges & memories). In ACT the client is assisted to understand the function of their distress and how to manage it more effectively.


Hypnosis isn’t a therapy in and of itself. Rather, hypnosis can be best understood as a powerful delivery mechanism for ideas that support positive change.

As an adjunct to therapy, hypnosis can help client’s enter a relaxed, comfortable, state for obtaining specific therapeutic outcomes. With clinical hypnosis, the psychologist chooses specific suggestions designed to help the client achieve progress toward the agreed goal/s of therapy.

Hypnosis can be tailored to different treatment methods, such as CBT, ACT, and Schema Therapy.

Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy is an approach to treatment that combines aspects of various therapies including CBT.

Schema Therapy is designed specifically to help change negative patterns often learned during childhood (schemas) that detract from life satisfaction and wellbeing.

Schema therapy aims to teach clients how to ensure their emotional needs are met in a healthy way that doesn’t cause distress.

Unlike ACT and CBT, Schema Therapy pays particular attention to the role the past has played in the maintenance of suffering.