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Executive Coaching

Enabling understanding and supporting committed action

“Motivation is akin to a ‘tail wind’ – it makes life easier when present but is by no means a prerequisite for forwarding progress”

– Dr Wade Jacklin.

“Coaching is a collaborative solution-focused, results-orientated systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of goal attainment, performance, self-directed learning and personal growth of other individuals.”

– Dr Anthony Grant.

The ROI of executive development has never been greater!

Optimal performance in life and in work is never constant. Increasing the speed of recovery from life challenges is critical in minimising the health, social, and occupational costs that result when we become overwhelmed by the situational demands of our work life.

When under extreme pressure our risk of ‘career derailment’ increases. We can help you develop clear and context sensitive strategies to recover from setbacks, clarify your vocational goals, and better manage workplace challenges.

Executive Coaching by Qualified Clinical Psychologists

Our coaching is focused on the attainment of realistic yet stretching goals that are grounded in professional and personal need. Our expertise in facilitating behavioural change is drawn from the fields of both clinical and business psychology, giving us experience and expertise in modifying and enhancing a wide range of human behaviours.

As professionals in this field, we have the advantage of being able to strategically use a broad range of psychometric tools to enhance the feedback and coaching provided to our clients. Our coaching process comprises of three broad phases:

1. Assessment

The assessment phase is about establishing both an accurate baseline of performance and identifying relevant coaching objectives. This process is often assisted by a 360-feedback tool and a personality-based measure. The 360 feedback captures performance relevant data from key stakeholders whilst the information from self-report personality measures such as the Hogan Assessment Series enables a better understanding of identity, strengths, values, motivations, areas for development, blind spots and potential derailers.

1. Observing & Understanding Behaviour

Coaching consultations provide a context for development of greater insight. Findings from the preceding assessment phase are explored and personal strengths and opportunities for change are identified. An emphasis is placed on maintaining and, where possible, making even greater use of personal strengths. In addition, learned behaviours and habits are also explored with respect to performance. Such behaviour often extends beyond the workplace to lifestyle and personal wellbeing. Finally, potential detailers and weaknesses are explored to better manage professional personal risk. The client is encouraged to reduce the need to operate in areas of weakness.

1. Action Implementation & Review

Moving from insight to action requires courage and focus. It is the coach’s role to ensure that the client is positioned within a ‘window of tolerance’ in their ‘development pathway’. This requires that development strategies are sequenced appropriately to ensure that the client is stretched but not overwhelmed. This process provides the balance of challenge and support necessary for individuals to develop and function at their optimal level.